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Harryville Primary School, Nursery and Nurture Units, Ballymena, Co Antrim

People Who Help Us - Police

3rd Feb 2025

Primary 1 had a visit from the local neighbourhood police team as part of their “People Who Help Us” topic. The officers shared lots of information about their work, answered questions and told us all about their uniform and gear. We even got to sit in the Police car and hear the sirens.

P1 examined their fingerprints using ink stampers. We learnt that everyone’s fingerprints are different, and the Police can use the fingerprints to solve crimes.

We really enjoyed the Police small world play and we had lots of fun uncovering footprints in rice using paintbrushes and tools.  

In the Creative Area we made a Police car craft using a paper plate, bottle lids and tissue paper. We also made a Police Officers’ disguise. We had to use our fine motor skills to cut out the different hats, hair, glasses, ears, and noses to stick them onto our face so no one could recognise us!

In the water tray we were observing the process of melting. Lego characters were frozen inside the ice, and we had to discuss how we could melt the ice to save the Lego characters. We used lots of key vocabulary such as ice, melting, warm, cold, water, heating.