Pancake Day in The Hive
6th Mar 2025
To celebrate Shrove Tuesday we made delicious pancakes. We recorded our cookery by taking our own photographs with the iPad. We read a special recipe and gathered our ingredients. We measured our ingredients carefully and then mixed them together in a big bowl. Mrs Speers poured some batter into the frying pan and then flipped them up high into the air! It was very funny, even if they didn’t always land properly!
we chose the toppings for our pancakes and ate them for snack time. We rated our pancakes using thumbs up and thumbs down. We looked at our photographs and talked about what we had done.
we chose the toppings for our pancakes and ate them for snack time. We rated our pancakes using thumbs up and thumbs down. We looked at our photographs and talked about what we had done.